Saturday, January 30, 2016

Fallasburg Bridge in the Winter

I decided to head over to the Western end of the State today.  I wanted to get some shots of ice covered lighthouses.  I figured that no trip over there would be complete without a stop to the covered bridge at Fallsburg.
 It seems that they got a little more snow than we did.  The ground was completely covered with it.  I think there might have been a little flooding because there was a nice layer of ice underneath the snow.  It made for an interesting walk.
 However, the snow made for some nice pictures.
 Trying a shot with a leading curve in it.
 Then trying to get a shot of the inside of the bridge.
 Most of the time, it never works.  This time, it didn't turn out too poorly.
 I didn't walk over to the other side because I figured the little path that I use would be more than treacherous.  I love the view from over there but not enough to put myself in danger
Kind of an overall shot of the bridge.

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