Friday, January 1, 2016

My First Ship of the Year...the Griffon

I decided to head up to Port Huron this morning.  I was hoping to catch a ship so that I could call it my first ship of the year.  As I was leaving Ypsilanti, it started to snow and continued to snow on my way over to Port Huron.  Fortunately, it wasn't sticking to the ground, so it wasn't too bad driving.
 As I arrived at Marysville, the ship that I was chasing was pretty much getting out of view, so I headed down to St. Clair in order to catch her.  As I was parking, I noticed that this ship was approaching.  It was one that I was hoping to catch but I actually thought it was a little further down the River.  Still, I will take it.
 The ship in question is the icebreaker belonging to the Canadian Coast Guard named the Griffon.  She has appeared on this blog before but usually she was working. 
 She was heading up to Sarnia.  I think it was in case she was needed to break ice somewhere.  However, given that it is has been a pretty warm winter that may not be needed.  But circumstances on the Lakes can change quickly.
 If I remember correctly, it wasn't too icy at this time last year either but then the lakes ended up freezing over about two weeks later.
 At any rate, she continues on her way.
 After I caught the ship I was looking for at St. Clair, I decided to double back to catch this one as she passed Marysville.
Hopefully she wont be needed but I'm glad she is around just in case she is.

1 comment:

  1. I live in Prescott - HOME of the CCGS Griffon so totally love your bog of her!! I will be sharing it to my group, The Prescott Anchor - news, views, photo & fun along the Mighty St. Lawrence Seaway and Great Lakes system ;-) THANKS!!! Jo
