Saturday, February 20, 2016

Eastern Michigan Basketball Vs. Toledo Rockets

So I went to the Eastern Michigan basketball game today.  They were playing the Toledo Rockets.  The Eagles were coming off a pretty bad loss against the Bobcats of Ohio.  Toledo was well...Toledo.  This is mostly pictures of things other than the game itself.  If you would like to see my game shots, go to Eagle Totem.
 It was actually pretty warm today but a bit windy.  If I weren't doing the basketball game, I would have thought about going over to the west side of the state to get some windy lighthouse pictures.  I guess I will have to settle for pictures of the Eastern flag.
 I kind of liked the way the US flag looked against the sky.
 This was the Eastern logo on the way.  I kind of liked the way it looked.
 Same with this one.
 I was trying to get artsy.  Not sure how it worked.
 One of the dance team members.
 This seems to be a common thread this year.  I don't think anyone is happy with the MAC refs this year.
 This was my favorite shot from the game.  Ty Toney going for a layup.
 A different variation on the t-shirt cannon.
 I have no idea what happened here, but I kind of liked the shot.
 I really like this shot of Coach Murphy.
Another of the dance team.

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