Saturday, February 27, 2016

Ships at Rest

I don't normally like to catch ships in layup.  I prefer to capture shots of ships in action but since I was up there, I figured that I might as well catch them.
 Soon these ships will be coming back to life.  For some reason, I can't wait to take pictures of the Manitoulin.  She's not a pretty ship but she's got character.
 The Algorail in the back and the Algonova in the front.  The Algonova was the last ship I saw until today.
 One of the reasons that I don't like to get pictures of ships in layup is that they are sometimes hard to get decent shots.  This shot of the CSL Laurentian wasn't too bad.
 Some of the fish tugs.  I suspect these will be moving sooner.
 I think this was a pretty nice shot of the Algoma Transport.
 One of the tugs.
 Another angle of the CSL Laurentian.
 Another angle of the fish tug.
 One of the other fish tugs.
 These guys look raring to go.
And a bow shot of the Algorail.

Shipping season can't start soon enough for me.

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