Saturday, February 6, 2016

The St. Joseph Lighthouse in February

So I made it over to St. Joseph.  As I stopped at the park I normally stop at, there was a sign saying that the pier was closed due to the renovation of the pier.  I have no idea how long that is going to take.  I figured there would a be a way to get out to the lighthouse, but I didn't want to chance it.
 So I headed to the park on the other side.  With the direction of the light, I think this was a better view anyway.
 As I looked, I noticed that the pier wasn't completely closed because I saw people on there.  Of course, I don't know if they were ignoring the blocks and I really didn't want to find out.
 Besides, the view was pretty cool from over here.
 There was some scaffolding on the lighthouse itself.  They are in the process of renovating both the lighthouse and the pier.
 The light was hitting it just right.
 The range light portion.
 Almost directly illuminating it.
 Another shot of the range light.
 I like the lit lighthouse against the darker background.
 However, I was really amazed by the sky.
 So I was trying different angles.
 Trying portrait view as well.
 I kind of liked the lines in this shot.
 another view of the lighthouse.
 Just in case you think this is easy.
 The train bridge.  I was actually hoping to get a picture of a train going over it.
 There was a bit of wave action today.  Not as intense as I've seen it other times but not too bad.
 trying to get a shot of the beach in it.
 I really liked the rippling on the sand.
 Trying a different angle.
 One more shot of the lighthouse.
And a shot of the depot.

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