Thursday, February 25, 2016

Winter Aftermath

We got quite a bit of snow yesterday and last night.  While I don't really like driving it, I don't mind taking pictures of it.  Pristine snow can be quite nice, especially if there is some in the trees.  I did end up going to work today, so that's where I got my pictures.
 There was a nice layer in the trees.  One of the things that I like about where I work is that we have some pretty nice surroundings.
 it wouldn't be a series of pictures of my workplace without pictures of the birch trees in front of the building.
 The wheat stalks weren't quite was I looking for though.
 Another angle of the birch trees.  Unfortunately, the cherry maples didn't have as much snow as I would have liked.
 Then I went behind the building.  We have some really nice trails back there.
 Some of the snow in the evergreens.
 The milkweed looked particularly cool.
 Same with the thistles.
 Didn't like this one as much though.
 This was pretty cool.
 then I tried to seek out some pine cones.
One more shot before moving on.

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