Thursday, March 31, 2016

A Brief Stop at Fort Monroe

As  I was leaving, I decided to make one more stop.  I knew that this area was chock full of US History, but I didn't realize just how much history was here.
 The fort was used to hold Jefferson Davis for a couple of years after the Civil War.  He stayed there until 1867 when he was released on bail.  He never faced trial.
 After the War of 1812, it was decided that the US needed to protect Hampton Roads and the Inland Waters.  In 1819, President Monroe came up with a plan to build a network of forts to protect the coast.  Construction on Fort Monroe began in 1822.
 The fort was built out of stone and brick and would become the largest stone fort in the United States.  With completion of construction in 1834, it would be known as the Gilbraltar of Chesapeake Bay.
 The Fort played a major role in the Civil War.  Shortly after Fort Sumter was attacked, Lincoln had this fort reinforced and it never fell into the hands of the Confederates.  It was used to launch several attacks in the area.  It served as a important point in the US Naval blockade of the South.
 The fort is surrounded by a moat.   In 1907, it would become home to the Coast Artillery School.  In 1973, it would serve as a training point and was closed down in 2011.  Shortly after that, it was declared an Antiquity by President Obama.
 The Fort itself gives you a good vantage point for looking at the harbor.
 There is a path in front where you could probably get a good view of the base.
 General Lee lived here in 1832 while he was an officer at the Fort.
This is probably another thing I would like to spend more time at.

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