Friday, March 18, 2016

Friday Night Planewatching

I saw that there was a plane circling over the Ann Arbor Airport as I was heading out work tonight, so I decided to head over there to get some planewatching in.  I've probably said it before but I'm starting to get an appreciation for general aviation aircraft.  There is quite a variety of aircraft (although I don't get to see that when I go planewatching).
 The first plane that I saw was a Cessna Skyhawk 172.   The model of aircraft first flew in 1955 and there have been more produced than any other aircraft.  If I remember correctly, many pilots have cut their teeth on this model.
 I will have to admit, this is a pretty cool looking aircraft.
 This is is a Piper PA-28 Cherokee.  I'm pretty sure I've talked about these before.
 I think these are pretty cool looking aircraft.  One of the cooler general aviation aircraft out there.
 Another shot of the Skyhawk.

 This one is a Cessna 152 owned by the Michigan Flyers.  You can apparently rent it in order to learn how to fly.
 Another angle of that plane.
 One more pass by the Skyhawk.
 The Piper coming in for a landing.
 Another angle.
Just before I left, they switched directions and starts to take off to the east.  It was kind of nice to see a different direction.

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