Sunday, March 13, 2016

Ships Resting in Sarnia

After planewatching yesterday, my friend wanted to go catch the ships that were in layup in Sarnia.  I decided that might be fun since I haven't been over to Canada in a while.  Getting across the border wasn't too bad yesterday. 
 My first stop was the Algorail.  She was tied up right next to the road and you could almost walk right up to her.  I'm not sure how many seasons she has left in her, but she looks really bad up close.  I know that she is slated for the scrap heap in the near future though.
 A closeup of her name.
 You don't usually get these angles when they are underway.
 I kind of liked the reflections in the water.
 Trying to get the full ship in the shot.  Sadly, I couldn't get a similar shot from the other direction.
 A shot of her stack.
 And her stern.
 This was built by Dow Chemical Company.  I wonder if it is filled with water in the summer months.
 Across the way was the Manitoulin.
 You never realize just how massive ships are until you are standing under one.
 The Risley tied up.  I think she will be doing buoy work soon.  There were a number of buoys next to her.
 A shot of her bridge.
 And a closer one.
 A different angle.
 If you look to the right of the Algorail, there is a seaplane.  More pictures of that in the next post.
 The Algorail's plimsoll lines.
 And her depth markers.
 After asking a nice person if I could step on the dock, I got a nice picture of the Algoma Transport.
 The CSL Laurentien docked at the grain elevator.
 the Calumet, Cuyahoga and Manitoulin in layup.  This was from a marina.
 I wanted to try my hand at evening shots.  I'm not sure about this one.
 I like this one a little better.
 I probably should have gotten my tripod out for this one.
 The Risley turned out okay.
Too dark, I think.

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