Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Opening of the Lakes Can't Come Soon Enough

The Soo Locks open March 25th and the Welland Canal opens sooner than that.  There are a few ships that will make deliveries between ports that don't require the use of either of those canals.  That should be happening in a couple of weeks.  However, none of that can happen soon enough.
 I was able to get pictures of the barge over the weekend, but that doesn't seem like enough.  Fortunately, I have some models on my desk.  I can't really call the above boat a model though.  It was one of those stress things that someone gave me.  It's kind of cool.  Part of me wonders if it floats.  I'll call it the MV Squeezee Ball.
 And this is the paper model that I built of the Walter McCarthy.  I was able to get a model of the Roger Blough over the weekend.  I'll have to figure out a time to built that.
This is a ship I made out of balsa wood.  Since it's patterned after an American Steamship Vessel, I will call it the SS American Nondescript.

It seems pretty bad when I'm reduced to taking pictures of my ship models though.

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