Sunday, March 20, 2016

Waking Up to Ann Arbor This Morning

My mom had to go hang her artwork at Sweetwater's Cafe on Washington Street this morning.  I went to help her but her designated time was 7:30 which meant I got up earlier than normal.  After hanging the show, I looked around and liked the way the light was hitting things.  Since I had other photographic plans for the day, I had my camera and so I took pictures.
 Sort of next door is a locksmith and I kind of liked the looks of the display window since it was a bit on the unusual side.  It looks like I got a self portrait of sorts as well.
 This other side looked pretty cool.
 It's hard to think of a business that's been around for over 100 years.
 One of the buildings across the street.
 The First National Bank Building is one of the cooler looking buildings downtown.  I should have grabbed pictures earlier in the morning because it was lit in green.
 Apparently this building was built in 1876.  Currently it houses the Arbor Brewing Company.
 Looking down the block.
 I like old business district buildings.  They have a pretty ornate quality to them.
 Looking up at the First National Building.
 This building is now the home to Grizzly Peaks.
And I couldn't pass on a shot of the Burton Memorial Tower in the early morning light.

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