Saturday, March 5, 2016

Wandering Around Eastern's Campus

I had to do some shopping, so I headed towards Ann Arbor after taking pictures of the train.  I kind of figured that Eastern's campus would look pretty nice, so I decided to stop there and take some pictures of it.  I think I've said this before, but I'll say it again, I never really appreciated Eastern's campus when I was a student there.  Granted, they've put some work into it between then and now but still it is a pretty nice looking campus.  Especially some of the older buildings.
 It wouldn't be a tour of this end of campus without pictures of the Water Tower.
 Welch Hall looks pretty good and so do the trees with a layer of snow on them.  Little did I realize that Welch is one of four building's on Eastern's campus that is part of the National Register of Historic Places.  I guess that would make sense since Eastern was the first teacher's college west of the Appalachians.
 Another shot of the Water Tower.
 As I was rounding the corner, I noticed the reflections on the sidewalk and the lines leading towards Sherzer.
 McKenny Hall still looks pretty nice.  McKenny is another building that is on the National Register of Historic Places.
 Sherzer Hall.
 Starkweather Hall is looking pretty good too.  This is also on the National Register of Historic Places.  I guess it makes sense since it is the oldest building on campus.
 A weird angle of Sherzer Hall.
 Another angle of Starkweather.
 My other favorite tall structure on Eastern's campus.
 The straight out shot of Pierce Hall.
 I kind of liked the reflections in the street.
I know that Ned's has been here for a while.  If you didn't want to deal with the Campus Bookstore, you could always buy books here.

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