Saturday, April 30, 2016

....and Ships.

It's not often that I get to catch a ship coming into Toledo.  Usually, they stop up near the mouth of the Maumee River and that's not a particularly good place to catch ships.  There might be some places where I can watch them, but I need to figure it out.
 I knew that the Saginaw was loaded with grain and I figured that meant she would be heading further down the river than usual.  With that, there are some nice places to catch ships.
 The first place was near the Great Lakes Maritime Museum.  It gives a nice unobstructed view of the River.
 And consequently, a nice view of the ships.
 I tried to get a shot of her framed.  I kind of like it except for the rain drops in the shot.
 Next I headed a little further up river.  I was hoping to get some city behind the ship.  It's always nice for a sent of place.
 And I'm fairly happy with the shots.

 I think I really like this one.
 And she slowly passes by.  I think she was doing about 5 knots or so.
One more shot before she passes under the Anthony Wayne Bridge.  I'm not sure which dock she was heading to, but there are two grain docks on the other side the bridge.

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