Monday, May 23, 2016

A Chicago Whirlwind

I still wanted to get some pictures of the city, so I took a whirlwind tour.
 I'm not even going to attempt to name the buildings but they are all pretty impressive.
 I think this was looking down Grant Street but don't quite me on that.
 Somewhere in there, you can see the Hancock Building.
 I had to get this picture because it seemed like the typical Chicago scene.  The only way I could have made it more typical was if there was an EL going through.
 Looking down towards the Chicago Trade Building.
 And since I asked for the EL....
 As I was looking in my rearview mirror, the photo ops caught my eye.
 Looking down Michigan Avenue.
 One more shot in my mirror.
I had to get at least one shot of the Sears Tower, but I didn't feel like going back to get it.  So here goes.

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