Friday, May 6, 2016

A Stop at the Ann Arbor Airport

As I was heading up State Street from work, I noticed that there was some activity at the Ann Arbor Airport, so I decided to stop.
 First up was the Cessna that is normally flown by the Michigan Flyers.
 This is a Cessna 152 which was built in 1980.  I think this one sees the most action.
 I waited around for another pass.
 A plane in the background.
 I was about ready to leave when I noticed this plane turning for the approach.
 This is a Piper PA-28RT Arrow which was built in 1982.  This is a four place aircraft which was first introduced in 1978.  It has a distinctive T-tail.
 I have no idea what kind of plane this is but I do like the markings.
 And its a pretty cool looking aircraft to boot.
 Another Cessna.

And I'll end the way I begun.  It was kind of nice to stop at the Ann Arbor Airport.  I haven't stopped there in a while.

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