Friday, May 27, 2016

And Wrapping Up with the Federal Kivalina

The next ship is new to this blog.
 The Federal Kivalina would the last ship that I would see today.  She was heading down from Thunder Bay (I assume) with a load of grain.  She would be taking that grain to Montreal.  If I remember correctly, this is about a 4 day journey.  It is probably the longest journey a ship will make and still be on the Lakes.
 I was able to get my picture of the train with the ship.  Sadly, no planes flew by, so I wasn't able to get my trifecta shot.
 I was just taking multiple angles.

 I think I like this one the best.
 The Federal Kivalina was built in 2000.  She is 656 feet long and can carry a little over 36,000 tons of cargo.
 She is named after the Kivalina River which is located in the northwest part of Alaska.  There is also a city named Kivalina which apparently is fighting a losing battle against the ocean.  The city tried to sue Exxon Mobil over greenhouse gases.  It sounds like that was passed on to Congress.
 At any rate, she's a pretty nice looking ship.
 I kind of liked the reflections in the water as she passed.

 One more shot before heading home.

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