Thursday, May 5, 2016

Ending With the Manitowoc

Since I wanted to catch the next ship and my light was leaving fast, I decided to head up to Port Huron.
 The Manitowoc has been on this blog a few times in the past.  She's a sister to the Calumet and Robert S. Pierson.  I like the looks of these ships because they remind of warships.
 She is heading down to Ashtabula with a load of stone from calcite.
 Like the Blough, she seemed fairly well loaded but then again, these ships are normally low to the water.  In nautical terms, they have little freeboard.
 Depending on the stone, there are many uses.
 Since I was still in the area, I decided to grab some dusk shots.   With higher film speeds, I could get some decent shots.
 But of course it took some work.
 I'm mostly happy with these though.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 As I was watching, a Border Patrol came racing by.  I decided to give my panning abilities a little practice.
 I think it worked fairly well.
And one more shot of her.

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