Sunday, May 15, 2016

John Jacob Jingleheimer Boland

The weather was supposed be fairly nasty yesterday and I almost let that be a deterrent but I'm glad  I didn't because it made for some interesting skies.  The wind was blowing and it was in the mid forties and it made for a pretty cold day.  The was rain at points but nasty weather makes for cool pictures.
 Next up was the John J. Boland.  She is the ship that spent all of last season in Huron, Ohio laid up.  It seems that she's been quite busy since coming out of layup.
 I'm not sure where she loaded but she was on her way to Cleveland, Ohio.  I presume that she will be delivering taconite to the steel mill there.
 At any rate, I'm glad to see that she's out and about.
 As I said in the beginning, interesting weather makes for interesting skies.  I think interesting skies make for interesting pictures, especially of ships.  I love all the patterns in the clouds.
 She continues on her way.
I wanted to get more of the sky in the picture.

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