Thursday, May 12, 2016

Planewatching Wasn't In the Cards

So I was thinking of going planewatching tonight.  Even though the weather said there may be thunderstorms.  Well evidently may became did and I so I didn't get to see any aircraft tonight.
I meant to include this one.
 I did however decide to stop by one of my favorite haunts to get some pictures of the clouds with some nice foreground.  So it was to the Water Tower I went.
 I decided that since I was in the neighborhood, I'd get some shots of my Alma Mater before the rain started to fall.  I kind of like Welch Hall all obscured like this.
 I wanted to get the darkness of the clouds but that made the building too dark, so I compromised.
I couldn't pass up a shot of Sherzer.

Maybe tomorrow night for planewatching.

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