Thursday, June 30, 2016

A Brief Stop at O'Hare Airport

I couldn't pass up an opportunity to stop at O'Hare Airport in Chicago, especially since I found a really cool spot for planewatching.
 You get a decent view of the next runway over as evidenced by this American 737 coming in for a landing.
 This Boeing 717 was getting ready to head off to Atlanta.
 A cargo variant of a 747.
 I think this is an Airbus.
 A plane belonging to Frontier Airlines.
 The ever present regional jet.
 A United 737 coming in for a landing.
 Shortly followed by a 767.
 There was a nice steady stream of aircraft coming in.
 Another 747.  I love to see 747's.
 Another regional jet.
 An MD-88.
 An American 737.
 Another American 737.
 Another 767.
 Another MD-88 or 90.
 The new 737 design.
 An Air Berlin Airbus A330 coming in.
I kind of like the paint scheme.

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