Thursday, June 2, 2016

And the Arthur M. Anderson

As I was at work, I decided to take a peek at Marine Traffic to see if there was anything I could catch after work.  I saw that one of the ships was the Arthur M. Anderson, so I decided to head up to St. Clair.
 She is carrying a load of taconite from Duluth to Zug Island.  After unloading at Zug Island, she is going to head up north to rendezvous with the Roger Blough.
 The Roger Blough ended up running aground.  It is believed that she was trying to avoid the Tim S. Dool but that is an unconfirmed rumor.  I haven't heard anything about the extent of her damage.  She is just north of the Point Iroquois Lighthouse.
 The Arthur Anderson is going to head up there and the Roger Blough will unload more of her cargo.  Currently the Philip R. Clarke is taking some of that.  I presume that both ships will head down to Conneaut to deliver that cargo.
 Hopefully this will allow to Blough to get free so that she can head to Sturgeon Bay where she will get checked and repaired. 
 So at any rate, it was cool to see the Anderson.
 A shot of her deckhouse.

And a shot of her stern as she heads to Zug Island.

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