Thursday, June 30, 2016

And Now For Something Completely Different....

Well not really.  Just another kind of ship.

One of the things that convinced me to take US-41 down instead of I-75 was that I saw I had the chance to pass through Marinette, Wisconsin.  Marinette is home to Marinette Marine which is one of the companies that is building Littoral Combat Ships (LCS).

While I'm not a huge fan of the design, I do like to see Navy ships and it's not often that I can see Navy ships.  The ships built in Marinette are the Freedom Variant of the LCS.  This is the one that looks like a proper ship, as opposed to the Independence Variant which is a Catamaran looking design.
 First out of the gate was the USS Sioux City.  As you can see, they are still building the radar mast.
 Next up is the USS Detroit which should be pretty close to being completed.  I hope that I will get to see her later this year as they are supposed to commission her in Detroit.  At any rate, I will make sure that I catch her as she works her way to the sea.  This will be the sixth ship to bear the name USS Detroit.    One of the predecessors was at Pearl Harbor on the morning of December 7th, 1941.  That particular variant was a cruiser.  She was also present at the surrender in Tokyo Bay.
 From left to right:  USS Detroit, USS Sioux City and the USS Little Rock.
 I can't really tell but I think this is the USS Wichita under construction.
A shot from the front of the USS Little Rock.  She looks like another one that is close to making her trek to the sea.

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