Monday, June 13, 2016

Edgar Speer and Angry Lake Huron

So I headed up to Marysville.  There was a downbound ship that I wanted to catch but as I was there, I saw that the Speer had already made it up that far.
 So I caught the Speer as she was about to pass Marysville.  She was delivering taconite pellets to Conneaut, Ohio.  She was returning to Superior, Wisconsin.  If my estimates are correct, she should be there sometime tomorrow evening.
 A shot of her bow.  The yellow flag is her company flag.  The other flag is a Canadian flag flown as a courtesy to our neighbors.
 A shot of her pilothouse with some of the red of her deck reflected in it.
 And she pulls away from Marysville.
 And she passes the subject of my next post.
 Next I headed up to Port Huron to catch her there.  The wind was blowing fairly strong and you can see some of the waves.
 The headshot.
 She turns to make her way out of the channel.
 Framed by the Blue Water Bridge.
 Another shot of her.
 A shot of her flags.
 She was riding pretty high.
 A closeup of her pilothouse.
 And stack.
 As I was taking pictures, I noticed that the waves started to kick up.

And she continues on her way to Lake Huron.

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