Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Kind of Surprise Evening

The Yankee Air Museum announced that they were going to do a one night Air Show featuring the Royal Canadian Air Force Snowbirds.  Because I had tickets for the Thunder of Michigan Air Show in August and I bought them early enough, I got free tickets to tonight's show.

Anyway, I am going to be on the road for the next four days and I don't really have much chance to go through my pictures, so I will post teaser pictures.
I'd never seen the Snowbirds before.  I've been wanting to but I never see them anywhere near here.  When I found out they were going to be here, I figured that I would have to go see them.  I was very impressed with them.  They are a precision flight team like the Blue Angels but since they use trainers, their show seems to be more about finesse over power.  It was pretty cool because they certainly put their planes through their paces.

This particular show is an echelon formation and it is three planes.  It almost looks like one until you look closer.
They also had the Canadian Parachute group.  I'm not normally a fan of the parachute demonstration, but I'd have to say that these guys were awesome.

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