Friday, July 1, 2016

Happy Canada Day

Because of the proximity of Canada to Michigan, I end up taking pictures of many Canadian related things.

Today is Canada Day and is celebrated all over in Canada.  It marks the formation of Canada as a single nation.  On July 1, 1867, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and the Province of Canada were joined to form the Dominion of Canada.  This entity was divided into four provinces.  Over the years, the provincial structure would become what we know today.  It also marked the day that Canada would start it's march towards independence from the British.

So in celebration, here are some Canadian things....
 The Maple Leaf.
 The Snowbirds in a fairly impressive formation.
 A Canadian paratrooper.
 I like this picture because it shows how closely aligned the United States and Canada are.  I think its amazing that we still have one of the longest undefended borders after all of these years.
 Air Canada.
 A Canadian freighter.
 Another picture that shows the cooperation of two nations.  When the Lakes were frozen over, Canada was able to provide icebreakers to help break that mess up.
A Canadian frigate passes Detroit.

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