Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Monday Night at the Airport

I decided to head over to the airport last night.  This was to make up for the fact that I didn't go to the airport on Sunday.  It started off slow, but it picked up later.
 A Canadair Regional Jet coming taxiing to the gate.
 A Delta Airbus 330 heading for Frankfurt, Germany.
 an American Eagle plane coming in for a landing.
 They're coming right at us.
 A United Express plane taking off.
 An Airbus 319 that came in from Grand Rapids.
 A pair of MD-90's (or derivatives).
 A Delta Airbus 319 off for somewhere.
 A Boeing 757 takes off.
 A belly shot of her.

 I think this 737 was heading for O'Hare, but I'm not sure.
 A landed 737.
 A frontal shot of an MD-90.
 An American Eagle Embrear 175 takes off.
 Another Airbus.
 An Airbus A330 on its way to Europe with the setting sun behind it.
 A 757 touches down with a puff of smoke.
 The setting sun reflects off the 757.
 This 737-900 was heading to Fort Lauderdale.  If you look at the nose, you can see the signature of the Delta CEO.
 An Airbus 320 comes in for a landing.
 Another 757.
The 757 taxing to its gate.

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