Sunday, July 10, 2016

Shots of the Lighthouse

So the Sykes meant a trip down to the lighthouse.  Not that I'm going to complain about that anyway but still.  The State Park was pretty full and I thought that I wouldn't be able to find a parking spot.  As it was, there was a pretty nice one.   The rest of my pictures are going to be out of order.  Normally, I would post pictures in roughly chronological order but since I was kind of jumping around, they are going to be in subject order.
 Looking down the pier.  You can't really notice in this picture but the waves were pretty high yesterday.  At some points, they were cresting over the pier. 
 Looking at the other pier and seeing an angry Lake Michigan.
 Looking up at the lighthouse.
 The nice part about the waves crashing over the pier is that it left some wet spots all around.  That made for some different reflections of the lighthouse.
 After gray skies on the way over, I thought I might have rain issues.  But it was a gorgeous day.
 Looking from up on some stairs.  I don't think I've ever got this angle before.
 Sadly, I couldn't get too many shots without people in them.
 There were several people there.
 Looking at the range light.  Against my better judgement, I went on the other side and got wet.   Sadly, I didn't get the picture I was looking for.
 A rare picture without people in it.
 Heading back to the car.  Other pictures.
 I kind of like this one.
 And this one.
 I think you can see the waves a little better.
 when it came time to get pictures of the Sykes, I headed to the other side.  I think I like the pictures from over here better.
 The sun setting.
 The pier disappearing into Lake Michigan.
 Taken from another angle.
One last picture of the lighthouse for the day.


  1. Won't be long and the pier will have a totally different look. The cat walk is going to be removed so they can do much needed repairs to the surface of the pier itself. Anyone who has walked out there can testify that you need to keep your eyes out for cracks and holes that could easily break a leg.

  2. Won't be long and the pier will have a totally different look. The cat walk is going to be removed so they can do much needed repairs to the surface of the pier itself. Anyone who has walked out there can testify that you need to keep your eyes out for cracks and holes that could easily break a leg.
