Sunday, July 3, 2016

Waking Up to the Arthur M. Anderson

As I was going to bed last night, I saw that the Arthur M. Anderson was making her way up from Conneaut, Ohio.  I think she may have been delivering taconite there in order to fill the void of the Blough being repaired but I'm not sure.  However, it is always nice to catch up to the Anderson.
 Anyway, in mapping it out on AIS, I saw that she would be passing Port Huron around 8 or 9.  That meant getting up way earlier than normal.  As it was, I ended up catching her at Marysville.
 Which is just as well, because the angle of the sun was just about perfect.
 I kind of like this shot with the broken up clouds.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 And she continues on her way.
 I decided to catch up to her again at Port Huron.
 Which of course leads to the headshot.

 She's framed by the Blue Water Bridge.
 One more shot.
 Another shot of her pilothouse.
 and her deckhouse.
And she makes her way up to Lake Huron.  I believe she was headed to Calcite where she would pick up stone.  As I type this post, she is there.  That would mean about a 13 hour trip from Port Huron.

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