Sunday, August 7, 2016

And the Lovely Lee Passes By

I was watching the shipping for the day and I saw that there was one more ship that I wanted to catch.  And given what ship that was, I knew that I would be catching her in two spots.
 When the Lee A. Tregurtha and AlgoCanada entered Lake St. Clair, Lee was leading.  As they moved through the Lake, Lee slowed down a bit so that AlgoCanada could overtake her.  That is because Lee would be making the turn into the Rouge River.
 She will do another trips but it seems like she is mostly going from Marquette to pick up taconite in order to deliver it to the AK Steel Plant in Dearborn.  AK Steel is the latest owner in a series of owners for that plant.  The Rouge Steel Mill was built in the 1920s by Henry Ford.  Many of the buildings were designed by Albert Kahn.  In 1989, Ford sold off its steel assets and Rouge Steel was formed.  In 2004, when Rouge went bankrupt, it was taken over by the Russian steelmaking company Severstal.  In 2014, that was sold to AK Steel.
 A beam shot of the Tregurtha.  Like the place she is delivering to, she's had many names.  Originally, she started as the commercial tanker Mobiloil but that name didn't last long as she became the Samoset.  In 1942, she was bought by the US Navy and became the USS Chiwawa.  In 1947, she was sold and used to transport oil along the east coast.  In 1960, she was bought by Cleveland Cliffs and converted to an ore carrier.  She was then named Walter A. Sterling.  In 1984, she was sold to Rouge Steel and renamed William Clay Ford.  In 1989, she was sold to her current owners and given her current name.
 She still a pretty cool looking ship.  she looks even better with the scrubbers.
 Next I headed to the Dix Avenue Bridge in order to catch her on the Rouge River.  It took longer than usual for her to appear because she was crawling up the River.  I'm not sure why.
 No matter how long it takes to wait, it doesn't take long for her to pass.
 She makes her turn for the passage through the bridge.
 The frontal shot.
 Trying a different angle.
 I'll have to say that the lighting for me was perfect.
 A shot of her bow after some waves from the crew behind the pilothouse.
 I headed to the other side.
 One advantage of the Lake levels being up.
Normally, I'd try to catch her as she turns into the basin.  Sadly, I was shooting right into the sun.

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