Sunday, August 14, 2016

Catching the Sykes Again

After grabbing lunch, I saw that the Wilfred Sykes was going to be heading into Grand Haven.  I thought that it was going to be pretty tight to catch her though but I was pretty sure I could make it.  As I was heading over, it started to rain pretty hard and I was about ready to give up on her but I kept going. 
 I wasn't able to catch her going into the channel but I did remember there is a pretty nice spot to catch her when she goes to the dock.  So I did catch her as she went to the dock. 
 However, I fighting the light as well.
 the sun setting was pretty though.
 She slowly works her way to the dock.
 A shot of her pilothouse.

She started to unload as she docked.  I was half tempted to stay around Grand Haven to catch her leave but I knew that it was going to be dark.  Anyway, it was the perfect capper to a good boat day.

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