Sunday, September 18, 2016

The Algoma Discovery Passes By

It has been almost a year since I've seen the Algoma Discovery.   I think she may have been laid up until the start of the grain season.
 I actually like catching the Algoma Discovery.  She's a pretty nice looking ship.
 She starts to pass the Ren Cen.
 I didn't realize there was a spot where I could get a bow shot.
 One of my favorite shots.
 But I like this one a little better because of the cormorant.
 She passes under the Ambassador Bridge and is greeted by the Westcott.
 The Westcott gets beside her and starts to make her delivery.
 A shot of the pilothouse.
She continues on her way.  As I type this post, she is currently in Lake Ontario and will continue to Baie Comeau.

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