Sunday, September 4, 2016

The Arthur M. Anderson Unloads in Huron, OH

I headed down to Cleveland yesterday for the Air Show.  I decided to take the Ohio Route 2 way.  I didn't stop at Marblehead to get a picture of the lighthouse there but I did stop in Huron, Ohio because I saw that the Arthur M. Anderson would be docked there.
 As I said in my post from Friday, I knew that she was headed somewhere in Ohio but I wasn't sure where.  When I checked AIS after the Eastern game, I saw that she was stopped outside of Huron, so I figured she would be heading there in the morning.
 Sure enough, she was still there as I arrived.  She was already pretty high in the water but I still wasn't sure how much longer she would be unloading.
 A shot of her deck house.  As I was watching, they must have shifted holds they were unloading from because they stopped for a bit and started again.
 This is the mechanism that pulls the cargo to be unloaded up.
 I'm not sure what the white streak is.
 I kind of liked the way the flag was flying in the breeze.
 The ships of the Great Lakes Fleet are known as the silver stackers.  When they first started, the stacks were painted all silver.  As the ships were used, the tops of the stacks would get all black from the exhaust.  It was then decided to paint the tops of the stacks black in order to hide that.  I think it's a pretty cool look.
 A shot of the crane unloading.
 Another shot of her pilothouse.
 Another full length shot of her.
 I decided to move to another spot on the river, to get different shots.  As I was getting out of the car, I saw that I had a chance to frame her.
 I really like this shot.  I can't usually get clean shots when they are unloading.
One more shot before continuing on to Cleveland.

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