Sunday, October 16, 2016

Some Planewatching

After watching the Lions for a bit and a brief nap, I decided to head over to the airport for some planewatching.
This CRJ-200 was flying in from Nashville, Tennessee.  After spending some time in Detroit, it went up to Traverse City and back to Detroit.  As I type, it's on its way to Chattanooga.

This particular CRJ-900 arrived from Dallas-Fort Worth.
 I can't make out the tail number of 737 and I don't remember it's flight aware information.  At any rate, it's a 737 and it belongs to Southwest.
 This is a 767 belonging to Delta.
 This particular 737 was arriving from Minneapolis-St Paul.  As I type, it is on its way to Los Angeles.
 I'm not sure where this MD88 was arriving from because Flightaware is pretty vague on it.
 An Airbus 319 belonging to American Airlines.
 Another Delta 737.
 I'm not sure who this belongs to.
 A United Airbus 320.
 A Delta Airbus 319.
 And another.
 I don't often get to see Air Canada livery, so I was pretty excited to catch this plane.  It was arriving from Ottawa.
 Another 737.
 A CRJ belonging to American Airlines.
 This is the plane that dragged me to the airport.  I like to see the foreign planes coming in.  This particular one was coming from Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris.
 It seems like it was 737 Day.
As I looked at Flightaware, I saw that a 757 was arriving.  I decided to stick around for that.  This particular one came in from Orlando.

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