Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Sunset Planewatching

I decided to head over to Metro Airport after work tonight.  I found what I thought was a potential spot for planewatching.  It was Vining Road between Eureka and Pennsylvania in Romulus.  I thought that I would have a good view of both runways in use.

When I got there, I found out that it didn't go as far as I thought it would.  It was closed about halfway between Pennsylvania and Eureka.  It wasn't a bad place to park though.  It provided an okay view of planes landing on 22L but a better view of 21L.  I might try it again when I have a little more time.
 The first plane I encountered was an MD-11 belonging to Federal Express coming in for a landing.  I love it when I can catch the big aircraft.
 I think this CRJ-200 was coming in from Akron but FlightAware isn't being particularly clear about it.  But I really liked the shots of planes landing at 21L.
 An Endeavor Air CRJ-200 coming in from Lansing, Michigan.
 I'm not sure where this 737 was arriving from.
 I was happy to see a 757 coming in.
 This was the flight arriving from one of the Mickey Mouse lands (I still get confused between world and land).  Some people know it as Orlando.
 An Airbus 319 that was flying in from Charlotte.
 And I was even happier to see another 757 before I had to leave.
And this particular 757 flew in from Atlanta.

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