Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Dawn Patrol Rendezvous - Part III

 This post was the last flying demonstration that I watched.  It turns out that it was basically a repeat of what I saw earlier.
 One of the Nieuports waiting to take off.
 This Cessna ended circling around near the airfield.  I wonder if it was working as a spotter for the control tower in the area.
 The Curtiss JN-4 is probably one of the more famous aircraft to emerge from World War I.  It is also known as the Jenny.  It was used during the war to train pilots.  It is said that 95% of all US pilots flew this plane. 
 After the war, the US government sold off many of these planes as war surplus.  It was used by many of the barnstorming pilots, including Charles Lindbergh.
 A front shot.
 One more shot.  I'll have to admit this is a pretty cool aircraft.
 Then we saw some of the other aircraft from the morning.  A Sopwith Pup.
 Another shot of one of the Nieuports.
 I think this is wearing French colors.
 The Sopwith Pup.
 I think this is one of the cooler looking planes here.  The SPAD is pretty cool, but it wasn't flying in this round.
 I do like the look of biplanes.

 I kind of liked the overcast skies with the plane illuminated by the sun.

 This was probably my picture of the day.
 I really like this one because I could pretend that
 This was kind of cool.  I don't think this plane was part of the show but kind of reminded me of the uses of some of the war surplus planes.

 Another shot of the triplane.
A SPAD from the front.

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