Friday, October 14, 2016

The Hub Bub Around the USS Detroit

The USS Detroit entered Detroit to much fanfare.  This was kind of expected since she was the first Navy ship named after Detroit to both be commissioned in Detroit and actually be in Detroit.  I think the city of Detroit wanted her plank owners to feel welcomed.
 The tugs Wyoming and Colorado which belong to Great Lakes towing were available to help the Detroit into her dock.
 A Border Patrol boat races along.
 She was followed by the helicopter belonging to Channel 2, 4 and 7.  when I saw this helicopter in the distance, I thought that perhaps it was a border patrol helicopter.
 The Colorado hangs around.
 Soon the Detroit Police Boat joined the fray.
 As I suspected, these guys are boatnerds too.
 The news chopper again.
 The Colorado.
 The Colorado and Wyoming again.
 I like this picture because it almost looks like the Wyoming is a fire boat.
 The Curtis Randolph showing off her hoses.
 The Wyoming approaches the Detroit to ease her into place.
 Another shot of the Wyoming.
 A little closer shot of the Randolph.
And a head shot of the Wyoming.

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