Sunday, November 20, 2016

A Surprise Visitor

When I headed down to Toledo, I was only expecting to catch one ship.  When I got there, I had to check AIS to see where the Alpena was heading.  As I looked, I saw that the Saginaw was heading back up the Maumee.
 I'm not sure if the Saginaw was delivering grain or stone but she was at a point in the river where you deliver either.
 I kind of wish I knew sooner because I would have loved to catch her going under the Anthony Wayne Bridge.  I did manage to catch her passing through the Martin Luther King Bridge.
 Oh well, this shot makes up for it.
 A closer shot of her.
 Another shot of the Saginaw and the Alpena with the Toledo skyline in the back.
 Two classics pass.
 And the Saginaw continues her trek up the river.
 I love her lines.
 The sky was cloudy and if it weren't so windy, it wouldn't have been so bad.

 She passes towards the Craig Bridge.
One more shot with the I-280 Bridge in the background.

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