Friday, November 11, 2016

Creatures Most Fowl

I had to be home today because of an issue with my apartment.  After that was taken care of, I decided to head over to Gallup Park for some pictures.  It was pretty late in the day, so I didn't have much time.
 There were still a few ducks around.
 And the sun was shining nicely.
 A female mallard.
 I liked the way the blue was on the water.  The sky was pretty blue today and it looked nice.  I'm not sure how many more nice days we are going to have.
 My real target was some swans though.  I kind of like the way this one turned out with the background pretty dark.
 I think this was a Beechcraft Bonaza but I can't be too sure.
 A duck coming in for a landing.
 Even a Canada goose decided to join the party.
 This turtle was new at Gallup Park.  In fact, I think they were doing some work on the park as a whole.  The swing sets by where I normally photograph were gone as well as the play bridge and crane.  I'm not sure why.
The moon looked pretty cool too.  I hope I get a chance to get some full moon pictures.

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