Saturday, November 19, 2016

The Ken Boothe Sr./Lakes Contender Make an Appearance on a Blustery Day

I decided to go boatwatching today as it's been a while since I've gone boatwatching.  Well at least it's been a while since I've gone boatwatching here.  There were a couple of ships that I wanted to catch and it's been a while since I've seen them.  This first one was kind of a bonus.
 First up was the tug Ken Boothe Sr. and her tug the Lakes Contender.  They were on their way to Cleveland.
 As you can see, it was pretty windy today and the weather was pretty ominous.
 In fact, it was windy enough that the Ken Boothe Sr. ended up pulling into the Belle Isle Anchorage.  I kind of wish I would have known that was going to happen.
 Oh well, nasty weather makes for nice pictures, I think.
I would have stayed but I had another ship to catch.

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