Saturday, December 31, 2016

My Last Ship of 2016

As I type this, it is already 2017.  I can only hope that 2017 is better than 2016.  For me personally, 2016 wasn't too bad of year.  I didn't do quite as much as I had hoped but I did get some new experiences.  I will sum those up in another post.
 There are many boatwatchers who do not like the John D. Leitch.  They think she is an ugly boat.  While I do not think she is one of the prettier boats, I don't think she's particularly ugly either.
 I will call her unique looking and given so many things that are cookie cutter, I'll take unique. 
 Anyway, she was heading up to Thunder Bay.  I'm not sure if that's for layup or she is going to pick up one final load of grain for somewhere.  I suspect it's for layup.
 She's another boat that I hope it's not her final layup but I think she had a few more years left in her.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a good 2017.

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