Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Algosea Moves On

The next ship was stopped when I got up there.
 When I arrived, the Algosea was waiting in the anchorage just north of Port Huron.  Almost right after the American Mariner passed by, she started to go.
 I think she was heading into Sarnia to dock.  I'm not sure if it was because she had cargo or was going up into layup.  Or perhaps she was picking up a load for somewhere else.
 At any rate, I kind of looked at catching her as a bonus since it was unexpected.
 And one of the reasons why I like to catch ships at Port Huron.
 Of course some of the other angles aren't bad either.
 And I really liked the way the clouds were leading in this picture.
she continues on.  It did turn out that she wasn't going too far way.  She ended up docking across from the scenic area in Port Huron.

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