Saturday, January 21, 2017

A Stop in Durand

After the stop in Bath, I decided to make a stop in Durand since it was on the way home.  It has been a while since I've been there.
 The train station looks really nice but it wasn't the station that I was there for.
 It took roughly an hour for the first train to appear.  I really didn't want to spend that long there but I didn't want to leave empty handed either.
 Apparently this is a daily train that comes from Battle Creek, drops off its main load and then takes a few cars to the Durand yard, goes back to the main load and then continues down to Pontiac.
 I was thinking about staying around for the whole thing but I decided to just watch it approach and then go into the yard.
 As it was foggy earlier, I was actually hoping to get some shots in the fog but the sun came out.
 Which I guess was fine.
I kind of like the shot with the station.
 This is a caboose that is parked across the tracks.  I liked the way the sun was hitting it.
 Guiding the train back into the yard.  I think it's cool when I can get crew in my shots.
 A shot of the fuller train.
 A shot of the engine pair.
 One of the engines.
 The main engine.
 The light hitting them just right.
And my last shot as it pulls back into the yard.  After dropping off the cars, it would have pulled out and then reconnected and then went on its way.

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