Sunday, January 15, 2017

The Honorable James L. Oberstar and the Rouge River

So the next ship was actually the first ship I saw today.  As I looked at AIS last night, I saw that I had the opportunity to catch two ships at least.  There was the possibility of catching a third ship but she was a while out and I wasn't sure that she would be passing with enough light.
 The Honorable James L. Oberstar was on her way to the Rouge River.  If she's like other Interlake Ships, she was coming from the iron docks in Marquette, Michigan.
 I wanted to catch her in the same spot where I caught the American Integrity but I didn't make it down in time.  At anyrate, I think this was a better spot because the Detroit River was as smooth as glass.
 I really like it when I can get the ship reflections in the picture.
 She continues her way down the Detroit River.
 I was kind of waffling on whether I wanted to catch the American Integrity or catch the Oberstar on the Rouge.  I wasn't sure if I would have enough time to do both.  After heading down Fort Street, I saw that the bridge was still up and that meant I would be able to catch her at the Dix Street Bridge.  They ended up moving the Ste. Claire, so I was able to take pictures from the better side of the Bridge.
 It wasn't too long before the Oberstar appeared.  It was nice that the Rouge River was fairly smooth too.
 The lighting was just about perfect for me at about this point.  It would have been better if it were closer to the golden hour.
 The river was smooth enough that I could get some reflection shots.
 As she got the closer, the reflections got better.
 She was taking her time going down the river.
 And I think I'm happiest with this shot.
 And she approaches the bridge.
 And comes out on the other side.
 It's pretty cool when I can catch shots of the crew working on the ship.  You can see the taconite in the hold.
 This guy was making sure she was far enough from the bridge.
 And because I got a ship, a train engine and a plane somewhere in this picture, I got my trifecta shot.
 A shot of her stack.
 And her stern.

 This is probably my main reason for wanting to catch ships while they go into the Rouge Steel plant.   Normally, I don't like backgrounds in my shots but I'll make an exception for this one.
 The flag trying to fly proudly but there wasn't quite enough wind.
 She slowly swings out to head into the dock.
 A little more swinging out.
If it is like in years past, she will unload her taconite at the Rouge Steel Plant and then head over to the Nicholson Dock where she will layup for the winter.

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