Saturday, February 18, 2017

Ships at Rest in Huron, Ohio

Since it wasn't too far away, I decided to head over to Huron, Ohio.  It has been close to a month since I've seen any ships and I knew I would catch at least one there.
 I wasn't expecting to see the Sam Laud there but she was there.  She was in a position where I could get decent pictures of her.
 I was expecting to see the Adam E. Cornelius there though.  She has been laid up here for a couple of years now.
 I suspect that she is probably going to be laid up again this year as well. 
 Apparently the Sam Laud may be laid up here for a while too.  With a number of coal power plants closing, the demand may not be there.
 Another shot of the Cornelius.
 Probably my favorite angle of the Cornelius.  I just wish it was more unobstructed.
 I walked a little more to get the Laud.
 A closeup of her bow.
 The almost headshot.
 The lighting was just about perfect.
And one more shot of the Cornelius before heading back to the wildlife refuge.

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