Monday, March 20, 2017

A Return to Chelsea

So I decided to go back to Chelsea yesterday in order to catch the Wolverine passing through town.  Again, I was hoping to catch both trains but I ended up dallying around too much and got to watch the westbound Wolverine pass by.  That's just as well I guess as it was really the eastbound Wolverine that I was after.
 I kind of liked this view of the train station there.  It's kind of cool to see a restored old station.
 The stove factory.
 A closeup of one of the details.
 Across the street from the railroad depot there is a feed store.  I thought it made for a pretty cool picture.
 Just a reminder that trains pass by at a pretty decent clip.
 Another angle of the train depot.
 I kind of like this barn too.
 It wasn't too long before the Wolverine appeared.  Next time, I might try a shot from the other side of the tracks.
 I kind of like this shot a little more.

And the train continues onto Ann Arbor.

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