Thursday, March 2, 2017

Catching Planes Through the Snow Squalls

As I was looking at the various flight schedules, I saw that I had a chance to catch the Air France A340 and one of the Fed Ex planes tonight.  I was also hoping that I could catch a 757 but I didn't get out of work in time.

As I was leaving work, it was snowing pretty hard and I was thinking that I wouldn't get my chance to catch the above planes.  But as I looked a little closer, I saw that there was signs of sun so I decided to head over to the airport.
 It was snowing as I arrived at the airport but it wasn't snowing so hard that I couldn't get pictures of the planes.  Actually I kind of like shots like this.  Makes me want to get some fog shots someday.
 This particular American Airlines Airbus A319 was arriving from Charlotte, North Carolina.  After roughly 50 minutes on the ground at Metro it was heading back to Charlotte.  After another hour, it was on its way back to Detroit.
 Brickyard 4642 was coming in from LaGuardia Airport.  Brickyard is the call sign for Republic Airlines out of Indianapolis.  And this particular aircraft is an Embrear 170.
 Arriving from Amsterdam was this Airbus A330.  It was serving as Delta Flight 139.  It was an 8 and a half hour flight.
 It was closely following by a 767.
 And this particular 767 was arriving from London, England. 
 Next up was a CRJ-200 that was flying in from Ottawa.  This particular aircraft is operated by Endeavor Air.  After a couple hours at Metro, it was flying off to Scranton, PA.
 As I was watching Flightaware, it dawned on me that the Air France plane was probably going to land at the other runway.  I decided to look for another place and ended up at the McDonalds on Merriman.  It actually seems like a decent spot and I might have to try it again.

Anyway, this is an Airbus A340 that was coming in from Paris, France.
 Next was an Airbus 319 that was arriving from Benito Juarez Airport in Mexico City.  The spot that currently serves as Benito Juarez Airport has served as one since 1910 when Albert Braniff became the first pilot in Mexico.  In 1915, it was opened as a military airport.  In 1943, it would become an International Airport.  In 2006, it would be named after the 19th Century President Benito Juarez.
 And this Spirit Airlines A320 was coming from Atlanta.
 And this 737 was arriving from Atlanta.
 A Boeing 717 arriving from Milwaukee.
The other plane I was waiting for was serving as Fed Ex 505 out of Memphis.  It is an MD-11.  This particular flight is not a daily flight but it is pretty close.

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