Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Return to the Eagles

I decided to return down to the Magee Wildlife Marsh Area.  I ended up getting up early enough in order to catch the eagles being active.
 Prior to reaching the places where the eagles were, I had to pass the swans.  The light was hitting them just right, so I decided to get some pictures.
 it was pretty cool.
 I caught one of the swans in flight.

 It wasn't long before I saw some eagles.  This was an immature one.
 And I went to one of the nests where I saw an eagle land fairly close to me and pick up some grass.
 He took it back to the nest.
 It was pretty cool being this close to an eagle.
 It made for a pretty cool picture.

 The eagle bringing the grass back to the nest.
 Then he brought a large stick to the nest.

 Then I went to another nest where there was another eagle flying.
and one more shot of it.

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