Sunday, March 26, 2017

Return to Magee Marsh

Like I said in the last post, I decided to head down to Ohio.  Unfortunately the weather wasn't particularly cooperative with me.  It was pretty much raining the entire time I was down there.
 I think that pretty much meant that the eagles were staying hunkered down in their nest.  Although  I think the other eagle may have been out hunting.
 Since I wasn't getting decent shots of the eagles, I decided to get some pictures of the trumpeter swans.
 I tried to get some of the puddle ducks, but they weren't sticking too close to the short.
 You can see the drops of rain hitting the water.  It didn't make for a pleasant day photographing.
 One more shot of the swan.
 A little later, I saw this guy on one of the trees near the road.
 He was just keeping an eye on the area.

 A bird landed nearby.
and one more shot before moving on.

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