Sunday, March 26, 2017

Ships at Rest Again...

After Marblehead, I decided to head over to Huron, Ohio to catch the ships in layup there.  Again, I think the weather makes for some nice ship pictures.
 The Adam Cornelius is still in layup and it sounds like she isn't coming out this year either.
 The Sam Laud is still in layup and from what I've heard she's not likely to come out this year either. Although things could change and she might be out later this year.  It would be kind of nice to see her out and about.
 Another shot of the Adam Cornelius.
 One more shot of the Laud before it started to rain hard again.
 Then I decided to shoot a couple pictures through the rain covered window.  For this one I focused on the ship.  I kind of like it.
But I think I like this one more.

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