Saturday, April 15, 2017

Friday Morning With the Eagles

I had yesterday off because of Good Friday, so I decided to head down to Magee Marsh to catch the eagles.
 I tried to get up early because they are more active in the morning.  I managed to get a shot of the mother in her nest but I didn't get any shots of the eaglets.
 Then I went over to the other nest.  I don't think that one has hatched yet because dad was standing guard over the area. 
 An egret.
 I went back over to the other nest where the eaglets did hatch.  This young eagle was perched close by.
 Evidently mom thought the juvenile eagle was a little too close to nest.  First she tried to call for her mate or at least express her displeasure to the young eagle.
 She called out for a while and when her mate didn't come to the nest, she took matters into her own hands.  Sadly, it was over quickly, so I didn't get a shot of the two eagles fighting.
 With the threat gone, she returned to her nest.
 She watched things a little closer this time.
 I went back to the other nest.  The dad had moved to another branch.  He was in a tougher spot to get pictures though.  I had to actually lay down so that the top branch was over his head.

 He ended up flying away.  I thought that perhaps he was going to get lunch but he didn't return.
As I was heading out on Ohio Route 2, I passed a group of egrets and I decided to get some pictures.

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